Descargar El somni (The Dream) - Franc Aleu | El Celler de Can Roca (EPUB, PDF y MOBI)

Libro: El somni (The Dream)



ISBN: 9788415888970

Páginas: ne;">


5 1759
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A dream through twelve emotions that lead us to the table where this supper will take place, in which cuisine and video-creation are transformed into a new artistic experience. A masterpiece of art and gastronomy that breaks through the boundaries of creation to offer total perception of beauty.
Conceived as a total, global work, El somni will have its version in all formats of cultural dissemination. To this end a book, the sacred icon of culture, will be published to provide an account of this multimedia art project as well as a visual record of the entire creative process and a compilation of reflections on the part of those involved, taking us through the twelve episodes of the dream of Astrid, the protagonist of this gourmet opera.
Welcome to this global artistic adventure, welcome to El somni!